Dear Mr Yousaf,
Reports in the veterinary press indicate that as an emergency measure the Scottish Government is about to introduce XL Bully legislation.
Dog attacks are but one devastating aspect of the junk pet food fraud as per my recent blog post:
After you ‘secure the border’ against the consequences of the overhasty English Government XL Bully Ban, I hope that you will re-visit the issues.
As can be seen in Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight there is multi-level failure of systems and professions designed to inform and protect the community.
Simply enforcing existing animal cruelty and consumer protection legislation
will bring about rapid improvement. Longer term, a full investigation of the junk pet food/vet/fake animal welfare alliance is essential.
I hope that your Government will provide leadership in this important area.
I shall be pleased to provide more information as you may require.
Thank you for your consideration.
Best wishes,
Tom Lonsdale (veterinarian)