The Whistleblower Vet
For more than three decades, whistleblower vet Dr Tom Lonsdale has given voice to the voiceless by campaigning tirelessly to replace ‘junk pet food’ with nutritious, medicinal raw meaty bones.

Dr Tom Lonsdale
Dr Tom Lonsdale has dedicated himself to protecting pets for five decades.
Dr Tom Lonsdale BVetMed MRCVS is a highly respected and accomplished veterinarian with more than 50 years of experience in the field.
Over and above the standard vet’s duty of care to protect the health and wellbeing of animals, he has become one of the world’s leading natural feeding experts and the preeminent advocate for raw meaty bones.
Dr Lonsdale was born in Britain and graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, in 1972, beginning his career in veterinary medicine as a volunteer in Nairobi, Kenya. He subsequently worked in farm animal, zoo animal, and small animal private practice in the UK before emigrating to Australia at the beginning of the 1980s, where he established a mixed animal veterinary clinic in Western Sydney.
He first began to suspect that an industrial diet of highly processed commercial pet food could be causing a wide range of serious health issues for dogs and cats in the late 1980s. He discovered, to pet owners’ delight, that numerous ailments, not least the visible dental and gum disease that seems endemic in the pet population, could be rectified by swapping ‘junk pet food’ for high-quality raw meaty bones.
This marked the beginning of three decades of observation, research and campaigning to improve the health and wellbeing of pets through a diet of raw meaty bones. As well as helping pet owners and their pets through the advocation of raw meaty bones, he has given voice to the voiceless by consistently calling for global pet food manufactures and those veterinary schools and practices that he accuses of colluding with pet food manufacturers to be held accountable for their actions. Dr Lonsdale believes they are deceiving pet owners and harming pets by selectively ignoring scientific fact around the inadequacy of ‘junk pet food’ in the pursuit of profit maximisation.
In 1991, he first brought his concerns about commercial pet food to the wider public’s attention through a newsletter, ‘Oral Disease in Cats and Dogs’. He has continued to write extensively on the subject since then, authoring three books (published through Rivetco), including Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health and Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones.
His latest book, Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding In Plain Sight, explores the ways in which ‘junk pet food’ manufacturers are fuelling a global pet illness pandemic through the promotion of highly processed pet food. The book reveals the unscrupulous tactics pet food manufactures use to dominate the market in the name of profit and their efforts to ‘control the science’ through governmental lobbying and university partnerships, despite being abundantly aware of the harmful effects of their products
“By seeing things in a wider context, by gaining a better understanding of nature’s ways, we should be able to improve the lot of individual dogs and cats.”
– Dr Tom Lonsdale, Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health
Dr Lonsdale has been Featured In:

More About Tom
Since discovering the significant benefits of feeding dogs and cats raw meaty bones, and the harm caused by highly processed pet food, Dr Tom Lonsdale has continued to speak out on the issue, both in the media and within the veterinary profession.
His message of optimising pet health through raw meaty bones has been welcomed by many pet owners around the world, while his call for ‘junk pet food’ manufacturers to be held accountable has been debated in both the New South Wales and British parliaments.
In 1992, as part of his ongoing research into comparative periodontal disease in dogs and cats, he proposed a new theory that explained why carnivores require raw meaty bones: the Cybernetic Hypothesis of Periodontal Disease in Mammalian Carnivores. This was subsequently published in the esteemed periodical Journal of Veterinary Dentistry, in 1994.
While winning some limited support among his peers, his message has not been embraced by the wider veterinary profession, which he accuses of colluding with pet food manufacturers in order to protect the status quo, and the substantial income generated by the endless rounds of dental cleaning and other treatments.
Dr Lonsdale has given numerous keynote speeches and lectures to fellow vets, showing the science and common sense behind his advocation of raw meaty bones. This, however, has sadly been met with repeated attempts to silence him.
Despite this, Dr Lonsdale’s pioneering work has been recognised internationally and has been featured in numerous magazines, newspapers, and online publications across the years. His work has been instrumental in changing perceptions of animal nutrition, and illuminating the connection between raw meaty bones and optimal health, and continues to inspire many veterinarians and pet owners to shift towards a more natural and holistic species-appropriate approach to animal diets and welfare.

Tom Lonsdale Timeline
Dr Lonsdale’s latest book, Multi-Billion Dollar Pet Food Fraud Hiding in Plain Sight is published to rave reviews. Work Wonders: Feed Your Dog Raw Meaty Bones and Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health republished with new covers.
Audiobook versions of all three books released.
Dr Lonsdale retires from clinical veterinary practice. Continues writing and lecturing.
Raw meaty bones essentials, University of Sydney, Centre for Veterinary Education, Control & Therapy Series – Number 5682, Issue 291 June 2018
Kevin Conolly MP, statement in NSW State Parliament
Submission to Australian Senate Inquiry on Safety of Pet Foods
Effects of gum disease on sense of smell
K-9 Cop Magazine Jan 2012
Feeding A Raw Diet For The First Time
First published in Raw Instincts Magazine Vol1 Issue1 2012
Raw Meaty Bones: Essential food for working K9s
K-9 Cop Magazine September/October 2011
Effects of gum disease in working dogs
K-9 Cop Magazine December 2011
Sefi’s Ear Discharge
Control & Therapy Series, Sydney University, Centre for Veterinary Education. Paper accepted and re-accepted several times prior to final rejection, November 2008.
Blowing the whistle on the pet-food industry/veterinary/fake animal welfare racket
Whistleblowers Australia, 2008 National Conference and AGM December 6 and 7 at University College, University of Melbourne.
Junk Pet Food And The Damage Done
Nexus Vol 14 No 6 October/November 2007 (View abridged published version)
Lectures and media appearances in UK, Belgium, Holland, China.
Presentation for Members of UK Parliament.
Listed in Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare.
Work Wonders: Feed your dog raw meaty bones published to rave reviews. Australian launch at Woodford Folk Festival, Woodford, Queensland.
Lectures University of Western Australia Extension.
UK Parliament Early Day Motion 1003 Raw Meaty Bones Group: ‘acknowledges the Evidence and analysis in the book Raw Meaty Bones by Tom Lonsdale’.
Lecture tour of UK and USA. Time magazine article, Today Tonight TV segment.
Statement made in NSW State Parliament concerning expulsion of Dr Lonsdale from membership of Australian Veterinary Association ‘This is the action of a kangaroo court. It is a disgrace.’
Nominated for College Prize of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists
UK Parliament Early Day Motion 335 Processed Pet Foods and Vets ‘applauds and recommends the work of veterinary surgeon Tom Lonsdale’.
American Veterinary Medical and Legal Association publish review of Raw Meaty Bones.
Lecture and media tour of New Zealand, including appearance on prestigious NZTV program ‘Face to Face with Kim Hill’.
Lectures in UK, Germany and six-week evening course at Emory University Extension, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Raw Meaty Bones lecture tour: University of Western Australia Extension, Germany, UK and USA
Dr Lonsdale’s first book, Raw Meaty Bones: Promote Health is published to rave reviews.
Presentation to Australian Society of Periodontology Annual Conference on Periodontal Disease and Systemic Health entitled: Periodontal Disease and the Penitentiary: Wherein lies the connection
Australian Veterinary Students Association Annual Conference lecture: Periodontal Disease: The pet food industry, veterinary profession and you.
Periodontal Disease and Leucopenia published in Journal of Small Animal Practice 36, 542-546
Cybernetic Hypothesis of Periodontal Disease in Mammalian Carnivores published in Journal of Veterinary Dentistry 11:1
First of several TV and radio interviews. First time stood for election to the AVA Board.
Feeding vs Nutrition: Have we lost the plot in small animal dietetics? published in Australian Veterinary Practitioner 23(1)
University of Sydney evening lecture (in association with PGF Veterinary Dentistry course) Bloodletting, Bar Firing and Veterinary Dentistry: A case for extraction.
Massey University Veterinary School lecture: Pet Foods’ Insidious Consequences: A modern veterinary SNAFU
Published article in Control and Therapy entitled: Raw Meaty Bones Promote Health.
Lecture at AVA HQ, Pandemic of Periodontal Disease: A Malodorous Condition.
Lecture delivered at Veterinarians and the Environment, AVA Annual Conference, Sydney
Submitted Oral Disease in Cats and Dogs to Sydney University Post Graduate Committer newsletter Control and Therapy.
Met with Drs Breck Muir and Alan Bennet. Discussed the state of pet health and the roles of the veterinary profession and pet food industry.
Oral Disease in Cats and Dogs published in Post Graduate Committee Control and Therapy
Visited British Small Animal Veterinary Association conference where Dr Lysander Mygiakis, Thessalonica, Greece, introduced to the writings of James Lovelock FRS (and subsequently the writings of Professor Lynn Margulis).
Lecture at AVA HQ The 21st Century Environmental Revolution: Preserving a Veterinary Role (Suggested that veterinarians and the Australian Veterinary Association should become proactive in environmental matters.)
Opened mixed practice in Riverstone, Outer Western Sydney.
Opened small animal practice Quakers Hill, Outer Western Sydney
Opened small animal practice Richmond, Outer Western Sydney
Opened small animal practice South Windsor, Outer Western Sydney
Travelling in Africa, N America and Europe. Worked in various UK mixed and small animal practices. One year as part time zoo veterinarian.
Emigrated to Australia in 1980.
Travelling in Africa, N America and Europe. Worked in various UK mixed and small animal practices. One year as part time zoo veterinarian.
Emigrated to Australia in 1980.
Dr Lonsdale spends a year in Voluntary Service Overseas, Kenya before attending London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London. Courses in Logic, Scientific Method, Economics and Politics.
(Interest in social justice and science and society.)
Studies at the Royal Veterinary College, University of London Degree: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Kimbolton School, Kimbolton, Cambridgeshire
Back to school 23 July 2023
Books by Dr Tom Lonsdale
Dr Mei Yam and Bligh Park Pet Health Centre
In the Introduction to Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight we learn how Dr Mei Yam joined Tom Lonsdale’s practice in Bligh Park, New South Wales, about 40 kms from the centre of Sydney.
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Mei came to study in Melbourne in 2009.
In 2012 she started at Melbourne University Vet School where she was taught all the conventional vet information. Her working life started in Melbourne small animal practices. In 2018 she move to Sydney and commenced working as a temporary vet in pet animal practices.
Curious to know more about raw meaty bones feeding, Mei applied to work with Dr Tom Lonsdale.
She admits that it took her a full 18 months of constant exposure to Lonsdale’s information before she was ready to abandon her vet school indoctrination and become a raw meaty bones champion.
With the courage of the convert, Mei offered to buy the Bligh Park Pet Health Centre and to carry on the pioneering work of Dr Tom Lonsdale.
Dr Mei Yam and Associates can be consulted at:

Bligh Park Pet Health Centre
48 Rifle Range Road
South Windsor
NSW 2756
Tel: +61 2 4577 7061

What People Say
Many pets and their owners have seen for themselves the benefits of feeding a raw meaty bones diet. Here’s what some have to say…